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Have a basement? Don't throw anything out! My 2 cents.

I've heard the expression that if you haven't worn something in six months, to throw it away. I think this is true to an extent, but I really think you should keep all your clothes. I went through perilous regret just now as years ago I threw away a Diesel coat that I found in a basement mall in Montreal. All the malls are underground in Montreal. It was some sort of Marshall's type store and I found this amazing Diesel coat with a hood, ties on the sleeves and it jetted long as a tip in the back. I haven't yet found such a coat again. I don't think it was down, I don't wear down, it was probably cotton bat. Had I kept this, even if it was old, I could have sewn another. Or even seen it! Instead of only a memory! Or even known the style number, maybe it's still kicking around somewhere online. The clothing that you take for granted, think is bunk and throw away--you will really want some day. This piece of junk that I threw out at the time, now, I'm dying for it. I must have paid only $20 or $30 for that coat. I found a lot of really cool sample sales in Montreal. One coat surfaced!

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