Violet season came and went so fast. I'm literally in shock. They're my favorite flower in the world. I wonder if they will come up if indoors, if you pot the plant. My lawn is filled with wild violets, it's usually the first few weeks of May but this article said they might 'make an appearance' in Fall. I feel so torn and lost, they have such a short bloom and there isn't even a flower that compares to them. (wild violets) Even these big African Violets that you have as houseplants or outdoors are just so ugly and soulless. Their color is like banal splotches. They're boring. Nothing compares to the wild violet. It's definitive. They were everywhere, I collected platters of them, but threw them in the woods and didn't keep them. I wish I had. I guess I thought they would be out for longer, but May flew by. Even a little shriveled up purple wilted dried flower would have been meaningful to keep in a glass jar!! The color is exquisite. Matisse searched his whole life for a blue butterfly. I felt just like that.
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