NEED a 5 bedroom house for an animal shelter and vegan sanctuary as a registered non-profit.
Bright Lives Future House will house abandoned dogs and cats.
Any interest in grant funding please message. There is a contact form on the right hand side, on the first page of this blog.
Looking for a corporate sponsor, grant writing help, networking with luxury real estate, partnership with whippet or Italian Greyhound rescue organizations.

Backyard dog runs.

Cat and dog rooms. Plein air cat rooms, climbing trees.
I have always been heartbroken by CAGES for animals.
I believe luxury ship-like accommodations should be the new paradigm.

StartFragmentGenesis 6:15-16
"This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. "You shall make a window for the ark, and finish it to a cubit from the top; and set the door of the ark in the side of it; you shall make it with lower, second, and third decks.
If this house opens, my title will be Canine Sorority House Mom, and the other stack of cards would be Feline Sorority House Mom.
I don’t think I have the qualifications to have a job in a sorority as a house mom, (I heard you had to have been in that sorority…my college didn’t have any Greek life...) but I would love a job like that. Guess I’m more equipped to run a house for dogs and cats. (Plus any animal would not be turned away...guinea pig…birds, zebras). Giraffes, oh Jesus, we’d need a cathedral ceiling put in, renovation grant for that.
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Dedicated to you, Jazz.
11th hour rescue from Anjellicle Cats rescue
