I saw Brock, he is beautiful !! I'm in a friggin' no pets house as a sublet but otherwise I'd adopt everyone. This Warwick Humane Society boasts a $87,000 gala fundraiser and $900,000 raised to build a new shelter, BUT THESE CATS ARE IN TINY CAGES, hardly get let out, one by one occasionally.
Granted it is an adoption center, no kill thank god, but THEY CAN'T EVEN BUILD A RUN WITH CHICKEN WIRE and some 2 by 4's ??? Window sills and a porch?
I hope ewoks land and build treehouses for the caged animals, people don't think.

Brock is gorgeous....I saw him, really tall muscular cat. Hope this catches someone's eye.

I even told Warwick "humane society" I'd help them build a run, window sill, porch. No answer back.
3 years!! Raul.

Saw her, she's beautiful, Whisp.

Ewoks can land and build tree houses for the caged animals. I hope they do! This caged mentality has bothered me for years.