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Am I a matchmaker?? I don’t think so.

I’ve never had luck as a matchmaker. I’d like to think I could. But what if it turns out to be a disaster?

Whenever I think of her, I think she would be perfect for him. When I think of him…hmm…I don’t know. I didn’t ask either party. It would have to be a bump into each other situation, in a group of people. Not just a blind set-up!! Or a party.

I thought of asking him, if he wants to meet someone. But that would ruin it. They’d have to run into each other at a big party…and I think I will tell her, hey my friend so and so is over there. If she think she’s cute, nature will take over. I will not tell him in advance, of this party, and tell him I have someone in mind for him. Parties are full of people, I don’t have to reiterate the stupid.

I pulled four cards, from an online tarot deck, but nothing really was clear.

I pulled another online tarot card, and it had nothing to do with it.

I then pulled on another site a yes or no card, and got:



The negative side of the World card indicates a disconnection from the larger forces at work in the Universe. You have tried to go it alone, and this has made you less effective in accomplishing your objectives. Realize that you are an instrument in the hands of nature, and you will be able to improve the situation. True strength comes from realizing your place in the cosmos.

Alright, I’m believing the card. No set-up! The World card itself, doesn't indicate any sort of no, but I pulled the World card, as a yes or no tarot. Hey, any kind of quick fix, short attention span, may not work for anything or anyone.

A few weeks ago I was wondering if I should try to set them up. I pulled one tarot card, which looked good. I then said to myself, if he texts me before midnight, then it’s a sign to try to set them up. He didn’t text.

Two strikes, he's out I guess. LOL For both of them. Different lives.

Maybe it's all a bad idea with this friend of mine. Because I had an anxiety dream that I met his mother, and the night before we were going to get married, I ran. I didn't see an altar, or a church. Or flowers. All I knew was I ran. LOL

That dream clarified never to talk to him again. What if I dated him for a few years??? And then we really were about to get married??? The dream told me what would have happened like a life saver.

Well, sorry folks, I guess I'm much more comfortable laying out health food than tarot cards!

LOVE THE CHARCOAL LEMONADE !! Holy shit when I drink this I'm bouncing off the walls!

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