I dreamed with her, about a week before she had her babies...she is a feral yet loved cat in the neighborhood. She had the babies in the dream, she was in a shelf, like a boat, or a bookcase. At my eye level. She came by ...with tired eyes, I just felt so bad for her, she looked at me, had one instant to check me out, I had no food, so she darted off and ran off. She had the babies that night before. But what was I to do?? I didn't know to have food ready.
She just looked at me with these tired eyes. I felt for her so deeply, I knew she had been having the babies all night, yet she had to run for food to feed them. I'm so glad because the next day or two, she came back and looked much better. She had these exhausted, tired eyes.
So one night, I heard this wrrrrrrrmeow wrrrmeow....like a distress meow, that I haven't heard ever!! I knew something was up. I walked around, looked under every porch, I knew something was up, but I couldn't find the nest, or Lucy. I saw her in the parking lot, it was morning after I heard this meow at night, I whistled, she knows me, she came right over, and I just saw it in her eyes. She was so tired. Like she had been up all night birthing kittens!!! Her teets were all out, wet, used by the new little ones, and her stomach was totally flat.
I've been waiting for this so long!!! Worried, feeding her....every day and night...egg yolks and wild caught fish although somebody else bought them, and I'm vegan and don't buy any of this animal shit. It was in the refrig so I passed it on to the cat.
I just pulled out my Compassion Circle pregnant green formula for dogs, VEGAN which I LOVE!! (non-sponsored) but I think everyone should buy their products for dogs and cats.
I tossed it over wild fish fillets...I just thought little Lucy needs every drop of nutrition for those kittens she can get. This is her third year, that I have heard of...and she's tiny herself, not a big cat. I do ponder the ethics of TNR (trap, neuter return). In one way, she has to do this, she chose the right mate, he followed her like a shadow day and night, I've seen him, they nap side by side it's so cute. But on the other hand, I don't know if ethically I should get involved. She's propagating her colony!!! And soon, the little ones will continue on propogating their population. I don't think I would have the heart to snip Lucy. If she didn't want to keep having litters every year, she would run off herself.
What do you think!!! I need to get a panel together.
Don't know how to add comments yet to this blog, sorry.
As much as I'd have the time and heart to set out a humane trap, I don't think I can. She does what she wants. She's a feral cat.
..video coming...
All these people on the block were looking! One boy thought he heard meowing from a hedge...but still no kittens.
The day she had these babies, I was giddy like a little kid!!! I was about to scream!!!
It was a humid, hot smoggy day, thunderstorms...clouds...ominous...very cinematic. Felt surreal walking around.
I've and everyone around has been waiting for these babies for weeks!! Months!!!
You've done it Lucy!! I'm so proud of her! I was literally worried sick, like would she be okay having these babies??? There were hot days when I literally didn't know where she'd find water. I always left out food and another neighbor also was.
The only kitten sighting was a woman said her husband saw Lucy carrying a kitten in her mouth. But who knows who that was! Because last night I saw another cat (recently popped them out too...like a doppelgänger, same calico markings...also must have just given birth because she had her teets out too) but when I left out the food, only Lucy found it. I know the difference between these two cats though, Lucy has very distinct white paws.
But I can't take all the slack. I saw her catch a live mouse or vole. She ate it before my eyes. I heard the squelch, when her incisors went in for the kills, and it was all over for this little mouse. She was chomping wild flesh. Honestly, it was really gross. Here I am cooking in my kitchen for the little Lucy, and she has the wild palette open. But I still feel like I should feed her, as best as I can, with the best high quality food I can..vegan supplements basically. I don't know why, how can she find it for the kittens? Or herself? I have a soft heart for animals, almost too soft, like an empath for the world.