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When I heard of Marlboro College...

When I heard of Marlboro College’s closing, I was devastated. Even though I didn’t attend, I went to Bennington. Yet I do have fond memories of visiting the college, on a pre-college tour, I almost went there!

I can’t believe my mind. First Southern Vermont College closed, now this. I’m devastated. I’m eating crappy buttery croutons about to break down with sadness and listening to Sarah McLachlan.

I feel like part of me is dying. These Vermont colleges are so picturesque…yet those are just words. There is nothing you can describe in words. Marlboro is in Colleges That Change Lives, and had at one point 156 students.

It was really earthy, from what I remember. I must have visited when I was 17. I have such fond memories of this college! I went to the dining hall, and some kids were doing a pink lemonade juice fast. They had goats on the campus. I went to Bennington, but I would have been really happy at Marlboro, both colleges founded by John Dewey's influencing ideas.

And recently, I had an intuition to go there and bring my duck, I don’t have one yet, I’m looking, they have to infuse you and see you as their mother if they’re an orphan, and then I found the articles online.

Honestly, I am devastating that this great college, (that I never attended, I just believe in the power of Vermont), is closing and was sold off to a pre-college program. I am very jealous, I’d take it over. I think it’s horrible to take an actual college off and fend in high school kids. Southern Vermont is a very special place, FOR COLLEGES. There’s plenty of places for high school students to go. But college in Vermont is nothing you can explain in words, you have to experience it. At the time, you don’t want to be there. You want to run off to the city; the real world. Then you realize everything you had was a gift; the biggest in the world.

If I was at Marlboro, I would be crying. I’m crying here. This is a great loss for Vermont.

They have ripped out the college and replaced it with high school students. I think it is a calamady, an absolute tragedy. A loss of an educational empire. I’ll probably be crying for the rest of my life looking at aerial shots of Marlboro College, thinking about this, listening to Sarah Mclachlan. And it’s not loud enough.

Vermont doesn’t need high school students, it needs colleges.

Yeah well, I have my own college in Vermont. It's just not built yet. My radio play/comedy is online here on soundcloud:

-Buildings are unlocked 24/7. Students are on the honor system to check out their own books at the library. Faculty members treat students as colleagues. There’s no competition because everyone is doing their own individual work."

-Students at Marlboro create an individualized course of study in collaboration with faculty members and participate in a self-governing community. Students pursue a self-designed, often inter-disciplinary, Plan of Concentration based on their academic interests that culminates in a major body of scholarship.

Loren Pope, original author of the Colleges that Change Lives college guide and former education editor for The New York Times, writes about Marlboro, saying, "You will find the Marlboro adventure far more intense and intellectually demanding than Harvard, any other Ivy, or Ivy clone. There simply is no comparison.

-Goddard College was founded in 1938 as an experimental and non-traditional educational institution based on the idea of John Dewey that experience and education are intricately linked. Wikipedia

"We feel like we are lost sheep, and we have no power." "This isn't a community decision this is for the trustrees and the president" "This college is one of the kind in the whole world"

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