Who are you Lucy? Those eyes well…I didn’t forget.
Well, apparently I spoke too soon. Insert Shawn Colvin…Sunny Came Home or Run To The Church…The Sixth Sense Soundtrack)
here, because the minute I went out there with food, she came back, Lucy. She never forgot me. I put out some food, and she apparently still remembers me and possibly loves me, there she was. Her little half face…it is like a dream I already remember, but forgot. She is the cutest little cat in the world. I feel like crying, or falling apart. I already did.
She smelled the ham*
in one instant, meaning, she is close by. I thought she disappeared. I recognized her so well, instead of Daphne, who I don’t recognize.
I just wish I could take little Lucy up in my arms, I know I can, and take her to a big estate, although I think I can, and I know she can.
The thing is…when all falls apart, I lied down in the backyard, looked up at the stars in the backyard, and…thought Lucy was so brave for having those kittens. I put out the food, and in just a few minutes through the wind, she knew it was there. I thougth she was gone. I saw the face, it was a recognition I can’t describe.
I WANT THAT CAT!!! If I have to interview the experts, or ask Celebrity psychic Brent Atwater, I will. She is just so cute, I have no words, she looks into my eyes, and knows me, yet maybe four neighbors are feeding her at the same time. She dreamed with me. She is a familiar face??? It happens so quick. I go outside, leave the ham* in the backyard, she finds it so quickly, like she depends on me, yet she doesn’t. I know she has a high life, she runs around discaprate fields and parking lots, yet I just wish I COULD BRING LUCY HOME!!! But to where? Where does she belong? On an estate! I don’t live there. She is just so cute…I can see it in her eyes. She came up in one moment, one second, I hadn’t seen her in weeks, which seems like forever, and looked at me, like I remember. I was so tossed, and alone, I thought Lucy was gone forever. Then she comes back.
Weeks ago when she was pregnant, I remember that eye…before the dream…anyways, she knew me, I had that feeling, I don’t know why. That was before the dream, five weeks about, then it was the dream. She always hovered for food though, and if I left out food, she smelled it, and believe me, within a few moments, she ran over. She just looks up at me, and believe me, July 4th is a full moon, with a look of recognition that I can’t describe.
Hope you are still listening to Shawn Colvin/Sunny Came Home or Malcolm's Story / Cole's Secret
I sort of want to trap her, and move her to paradise, if I can, but I would have to ask a psychic first, because this is her territory. Yet it is mostly parking lots. I just never woke up, and had a connection with a feral cat. Paradise meaning...away from parking lots. If there is even a place.
*the ham is not intentional, I feed ALL MY animals vegan fare, compassion circle powder, I just found it I NEVER BUY ANIMALS. Lucy actually ate egg yolks, not the whites J I just took “ham” out of a fridge, it happened to be there, I did not buy it.
I put out a platter, of the eggs, and she ate through the yolks and left the whites. It was really cute. No one ate the eggs. She wanted the yolks, those were the pregnant days back in May. Or was it April?
At least she is out there, Lucy, I thought she had disappeared.
I just can’t leave that face. If the psychics say I should take her with me, I will. Otherwise, she belongs here. It’s her territory, not mine.
Think of what this is though…July 4th is a full moon. And Lucy appears.
I sort of thought…I’d never see her again.
The world wants to know, Who is Lucy?
Maybe the ghosts are fighting for her.
I don’t care what anyone says. That is my cat. I’m taking her home with me, wherever that is. I recognize her face.
It’s like she fell from a dream, and I followed.