I put cats on here, tried to get them to go viral. It's in an earlier post.
Warwick Humane Society !!
The first one is actually beautiful, Brock. I am going to buy him and release him into the wild. His life outdoors in the hills even at slight chance of coyotes or a road, would be better than this cage at this slummy humane society that only allows the cats out to walk every now and often, despite they raised $800,000 for a new shelter and proudly boast that. I even wrote them sending net run ideas, that doesn't even cost anything to have a run in the woods for the cats, who are all cooped up. Blatently ignored. People should just know to get a group together on a weekend, some men handy with wood, and get 2 by 4 and netting so the cats can at least breathe.
As for Brock, Naw, I wouldn't release him. It's a life shelter, they don't kill, he's a handsome guy, I'm sure someone will adopt him. Actually I called them about him, and they said Brock was returned because he was stalking, like following someone around? I don't think that is stalking. He probably thinks the people are just big mice, he has a proportional delusion.
Actually probably I would. Naw, he could get eaten by coyotes. He'd need a house and screen porch.
He probably has never run at top speeds in his life before. And that's heartbreaking.
I had a cat once who I let out. It was stupid but I did. He ran to the ocean and came back with wet paws at three in the morning. I left the screen door open and he came back every night while I was asleep. I wonder if he remembers it from Heaven, he got old like 15 or 18, I don't know, was a rescue. After that ocean house, I never let him out again. But he did get to run at top speeds on a field, chasing rabbits. At least he got that. Kill shelter on the 11th hour list in upper manhattan to the ocean, he was delivered to my apartment like pizza...a volunteer for ANGELS brought him on the subway. It was fate. I hope I gave him his destiny.
Oh he went to the desert once, for six months. I kept him inside mostly, he had windowsills and a porch, but he paraded around the lawn with the other cat a little bit, Smoke, a big desert cat who had so many burrs I gave him a haircut. I was just afraid my guy would run off. He never did.