Dog Jails
They really should, because think of the typical luxury apartment, that you can’t afford. If one or two homeless dogs lived there, or cats, the person would have a better place, upgraded from a dingy studio apartment with ugly carpets, and would save those two animals. Those animal shelters are probably more expensive than $150 a month, if it’s $300 above what you want to pay for a luxury place, bring in the animals! There really should be a program like this. People want style and luxury where they live, animals suffer alone in the shelters. HMMMMMMMM.............two plus two is............?

Then if I had 10 dalmations, I could live in a mansion! I’d be like Cruella de Vile…without the hidden agenda for the fur coats.
It actually goes further than that, though. Because I think it should be five animals to one person. On the land.
Five animals to one person…meaning cow, sheep, goat, pig, dog.
Fill in horse or cat. Chicken.
Not in apartments, but roaming free. Like the days of Avalon where animals just ran around everywhere. Or was it Babylon? Probably everywhere. before we came along.
Now, if there's a running llama loose, people call the news, and try to rope him. That's what llamas do! Peru is a very sophisticated country. They don't put lost llamas on the news. To us, the llamas are exotic eco-tourism, which most can never see or afford.

Yeah, well, there's a sequel now.
Kittens who pay the rent.
I looked online, for a kitten, and found her. Her name is Charity, she's on Long Island so I may not get her but...she caught my eye.
In more ways than one.
Plus, someday they'll hand out Kittens pay the rent bills, the government that is. There is no government. I am the government. They are the government, kittens that is.
If I got her, I'd just name her Jazz-2 ;)
Or Luna. She is so cute I am dying inside.
I just wrote a short story, Jazz takes it all. Not to be confused with Jackson Blake Takes It All, a screenplay.
I'm going to call them but I hope they don't think I'm a scammer or idiot since I live far away. I told them I am an animal lover without children. SHE IS THE CUTEST KITTEN ALIVE!!!!
If she's made for me, it's meant to be. Otherwise don't worry about it.
I'm staring at her, I think her eyes even could change with diet, her eyes are too green/brownish...raw foodists (vegans) get their eyes changed, rapidly. It's fun. It's like getting contacts without wearing them. She is 8-9 weeks old, in a shelter. Dudes, well at the moment, "You've already won me over" plays...ITS A SIGN!!!

You held your breath and the door for me Thanks for your patience
You're the best listener that I've ever met You're my best friend Best friend with benefits What took me so long
I've never felt this healthy before I've never wanted something rational I am aware now I am aware now
You've already won me over in spite of me Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are I couldn't help it It's all your fault
- Alanis Morissette
These once in a lifetime messages don't come along every so often.
I really hope it happens with this one. Heaven only makes animals once or a few times over an entire lifetime.