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If we are all here to realize our own destiny, then what's left afterwards?

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Someday they'll ask you, would you rather do it again and be born into the ditches in a poor neighborhood of huts where you take mud baths as a baby, or the stupid mansions you grew up in?

I’ll take the mud baths any day, anywhere. No one can afford to see exotic animals anyways.. I hope I come back as a baby striped horse. (I wouldn't know I was called a zebra)

What if they pulled me up to Heaven, hopefully a nice stereo** would be playing...and they'd say, "Jackson, you have one more chance, what will you do?" You can be any animal in Africa then it's time, it's over. You're back up here for good. Then you might have a chance at a worm, or a cicada with dying wings--28 days (They're very heaven* when they die, I picked one up today)

Well, I would probably say zebra, but I'd think about it for a minute, in the back of my head, would I rather be a giraffe? No way.

They'd be like, "Jackson, you did the human thing, now it's time you get to run with four legs on the African continent."

Well then, I'd probably say, "Hey, what do you mean, I did the human thing! I'd then tell them, I have seven more chances, and I will be able to live seven more animal lives."

They'd say, "Jeez what a rule breaker. Is Jesus around to elevate her?"

*Freudian slip, as the typo came out as heaven, supposed to be, obviously heavy.

**with my two albums of choice, unless they had thousands of CDs on an automatic player, here you can only hold a few cds. 500 if you are lucky. I've never had more than 5. I'm fine with a boom box, one CD.

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